Are there any Gainesville apartments near Santa Fe College?

When most people think of apartments near Gainesville they immediately think of the University of Florida. Often times Santa Fe College gets overlooked in the hustle and bustle of the University of Florida area. However, there are quite a few Gainesville apartments that are just minutes away from Santa Fe College. Not only is a Santa Fe College a great place to begin your education beyond high school, it is also a huge feeder school for the University of Florida. Since the two are located pretty close to each other you'll find that there are numerous apartments in the area that cater to both Santa Fe College students as well as University of Florida students.

Apartments near Gainesville are a great place to live if you're going to be attending Santa Fe College or already are. Numerous apartments in the area highly cater to college students with great amenities like on-site computer labs, coffee bars, organized resident activities, in unit washers and dryers so you never have to lug all your laundry down to a laundry center again and more. You'll also find that Gainesville apartments are home to some of the most upscale amenities in the area. If you've spent all day studying and working your butt off in class you can spend your evening winding down by enjoying a relaxing swim in one of the many resort style pools, or release some tension from those muscles in one of the upscale hot tubs in the area. Other exciting amenities that are great for college students attending Santa Fe College include 24 hour fitness centers, saunas, tanning beds, outdoor BBQ grills, and more.

Gainesville can be a premium place to live for a college student attending Santa Fe College or the University of Florida. Not only do all of the amenities make it a top of the line living arrangement for college students the location can be considered an amenity in itself. Next to the hottest bars, restaurants, and nightclubs you'll find that it's almost impossible to grow bored with all of the hustle and bustle around you. Not to mention how awesome game days are in Gainesville! You'll also find conveniently located grocery stores, banking options, and retail stores in the area perfect for even the most avid shoppers.

If you're looking for a premium place to live while attending Santa Fe College then Gainesville can certainly be the right place for you. Gainesville apartments are often chockfull of fabulous state of the art amenities, and the location is perfect for just about anything you would want to do.

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