Yes! There are quite a few options. Gainesville offers private garages in some communities that are near your unit for an additional cost, which could also store those cleaning materials and other items used to keep your car in tip-top shape. Also, there are apartments that provided a separate multi-floor garage structure for residents to park their vehicle, and these typically also come with a gate to keep the garage secure which will also help with crime. Finally, some communities in Gainesville offer covered parking spaces for residents to at least spare some of your vehicle from the elements.
Also depending on your particular complex as you live there you will get to know the shady areas and can park there to spare your car from the harsh Florida Sun or park under a tree to avoid heavy rain. To view the options, go to the easy apartment guide at SwampRentals' search page. Once you get there go down on the left where it says Parking. If you click on that you can specify whether or not you are looking for covered parking, parking garage, or private garage. Once you click on what you're looking for SwampRentals will populate all of the options of the complexes that have what you have requested. If all else fails, ask a leasing agent. They would have the most beneficial knowledge about the community including if there are good spots to park.
Be careful for some places have designated resident parking and parking decals used for towing purposes. Make sure that if you end up choosing a place with those that you keep your decal visible and current so that your car is not towed. Not only is that inconvenient, but it is costly and the tow truck driver could potentially damage your vehicle.
Since you obviously take pride in your car's appearance, there are some communities that contain car wash areas or are near a professional car wash place. You can search for those by using the distance to a location section also on the left side of the search page. Just place in the address for a car wash place you prefer and indicate how close you want to be on the range meter and our website will generate all of the choices in that range from that particular car wash business.
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