There are three solid reasons that you’d want your UF student to rent an apartment in Gainesville as opposed to living in a UF dorm. First, dorms are loaded with lots of young, incredibly immature students who do incredibly immature things. We’ll leave it at that. If you want more detail, ask a student at UF for a dorm horror story… we guarantee you’ll wish you didn’t ask. Second, Gainesville apartments provide the opportunity for your UF student to spread out & live in peace. The space in the apartment and the quietness that comes with it will show in their grades. In an apartment, there might be two or three friends living with your student who will distract him or her from studying… in a dorm, there would be a whole floor of people eager to distract. And, third, going away to college is about more than just getting a degree… it’s about growing up and learning how to be an adult. Living in a UF student apartment with a handful of roommates and on-premise management is , in our opinion, the best classroom available for achieving that goal.
These are the opinions of writers and not the opinions of or any of our advertising partners.