As a college student you'll spend a lot of time indoors: studying, doing homework, sleeping…So the last thing you want to do is spend your time off indoors too. That is understandable. This area has a lot to offer in regards to outdoor activities, whether it be around town or right in your own Gainesville apartment. Activities vary from high energy to more relaxing; just chose which you prefer and enjoy. Some of the typical amenities included for apartments in Gainesville are pools, tennis courts, basketball courts, fitnesscenters, racquetball courts, and sand volleyball courts. If you're looking for something a little more out of the ordinary, head over to Payne's Prairie or San Felasco Park to explore and hike some trails. For those animal lovers, there's the Sante Fe Teaching Zoo. If you lovewater sports, there's Lake Wauburg for canoeing or kayaking or Lake Sante Fe for some boating, fishing, or tubing. Just start your exploration and you'll discover the many things this city has to offer. There are plenty of Gainesville apartments that are affordable yet still have everything you need. From proximity to campus, number of bedrooms, pet-friendly options, and even outdoor active amenities, there are plenty of different apartments in Gainesville to choose from. To view the options, go to the easy apartment guide at where you can customize your apartment search by whatever criteria you choose: number of bedrooms, amenities, lease length, and rent price. Click on “Search all apartments” and once you get there go down on the left where it says Sports and Fitness. If you click on that you can specify what amenities you want available in your new Gainesville apartment. Once you choose those specifications, the site will populate all of the options of the apartments in Gainesville that have what you have requested. If you're looking to be nearby one of the above-mentioned places in order to experience it often, you can also use the search tool for that too. You can just click on the specific area of town where that recreational activity is located, and it will give you the options near that location. You will see a list of options for your next Gainesville apartment. Be sure to take a look at your options: where they are, what they offer, and how much they cost. Select the one that is the most suitable for you. Once you've decided, or you get it down to a select few, call them up, see what specials they have, take a tour, and then pick one.Your new, adventure filled Gainesville apartment awaits!
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