Lark Gainesville is a fun community and easy to get around town from.
The layout of Gainesville is actually fairly simple, though it may seem complicated at first. Gainesville uses a grid system, which can be complicated at first but is easy once you get the hang of it. Streets run north and south, while avenues run east and west. The grid divides the city into 4 quadrants, Northwest, Northeast, Southeast, and Southwest, with the streets numbered based on how far they are from the center. Main Street heads north to south and divides the east and west halves of Gainesville. University Avenue runs east to west and divides the city between north and south. Other major roads are US 441, which runs North-South through the city of Gainesville as SW and NW 13th Street. Archer road is another major road, off of which many restaurants, businesses, shopping centers, and Gainesville apartments are located, and runs southwest to Interstate 75, just outside of Gainesville. 34th Street runs north to south on the west side of Gainesville, and also has many apartment complexes, restaurants, and shopping centers. Santa Fe's campus is located to the North West of Gainesville, off of I-75. The University of Florida is set in the middle of west Gainesville, astride 13th Street and University Avenue.
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