How can I give back to my community from my Gainesville apartment?

For busy college students living in Gainesville apartments, it can be difficult to find time to give back to the community. Most college students don't have the funds to make large donations to charity organizations, and they don't have the time to spend hours of their day volunteering. For many, giving stuff that you no longer use to those less fortunate than yourself is a fulfilling and heartwarming experience that not only helps someone in need, but also the rewarding knowledge that you've accomplished a good deed. But what's the best way that students living in apartments in Gainesville should go about helping others, and where can you start? This article will provide ideas and strategies for giving back to your community if there's an itch in your heart that only generosity can scratch. 


Unless you live in a high-end luxury apartment, you likely don't have the resources to donate large sums of money to nonprofit organizations like the American Red Cross. Luckily, donations don't have to be as substantial as hundreds of dollars to be helpful. Plenty of smaller, local organizations accept donations of used clothing, toys, and other items, so if you're on a budget, there may still be ways you can help.

One organization that accepts donations of used items and clothing is Goodwill. This nonprofit organization has stores that sell used objects and clothing for cheap prices to those in need, while creating jobs and donating money to community support services. Donating is quick and easy; in some locations you can even donate in a drive-through! The nearest location to the University of Florida is only two miles away in West Gainesville.

Help Animals In Need

If you're a pet owner living in a Gainesville apartment, the cause of helping homeless dogs and cats find forever families may tug especially hard at your heartstrings. Lucky for you, just north of UF lies the Humane Society of North and Central Florida. Volunteering is a great way to help if you end up having free time on your hands, and who wouldn't want to spend time with a bunch of adorable animals? If you can't donate and your apartment is pet friendly, consider fostering, or giving an animal a temporary home while they find someone who can take care of them. The Humane Society also accepts donations, and they have a thrift store close to campus where you can buy pet supplies to support the cause. Other animal rescue places near campus include Plenty of Pitbulls, Angel Whispurrz cat rescue, Operation Catnip, and Helping Hands pet rescue.

Shop Local

Last but not least, a simple way to help out the community is to shop locally. It may not feel like it but supporting your community's local business is a great way to directly support community members. This includes purchasing from local artists, local coffee shops, and other places. Some notable local businesses by Gainesville apartments include Sycamore Lane Vintage Market, Serpentine Plants and Provisions, and Auk Market.
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