Public transportation in Gainesville is provided by RTS, the Regional Transit System. They have a remarkably comprehensive website, but here are the basics:
- Fare. Riding the bus is free with a Gator1 ID or Santa Fe College student ID. Regular adult one way cash fare is $1.50. Be sure to bring this amount in cash
exactly or be prepared to receive an RTS change card. However, there are various bus fare options for special groups such as veterans on the RTS fee schedule so don’t forget to check out the most current RTS Fares and Passes options here to see what rates your trip qualifies for. RTS also offers the “18 and under, 65 and over” program, which mandates that those individuals within those age ranges ride free. - Routes. Most bus routes go to and from the major destinations in town. The bus station is downtown, and there are plenty of routes that go to campus, apartment complexes, Butler Plaza, and other destinations, like the Oaks Mall and Santa Fe College. Check out all the routes, maps and times online. Most buses run every 15 minutes during normal weekdays. Your apartment complex can tell you which routes run nearby.
- GPS Tracking. RTS offers an online tracking system, called GNV RideRTS, so you can see exactly where your bus is and when it’s arriving outside your door. This app is available on desktop or as an app called GNVriderts. Click here for more information regarding how to operate the tracking system. Check out the locations of up to 50 RTS buses here.
- Biking. All RTS buses have bike racks in the front, so you won’t even have to walk to and from your ultimate destination. If it is your first time riding the bus with your bike, don’t fret. All RTS bus drivers are happy to assist with placing your bike correctly on the rack.
- After-Hours Transportation. Special late-night shuttles known as SNAP, or the Student Nighttime Auxiliary Patrol, operate in many locations on and around campus. SNAP currently operates until as late as 3am during all semesters, and can transport up to 15 passengers in each shuttle. With SNAP, there is never an excuse to drink and drive home… plus, the vans tend to keep the party going on the way home! To view a map of SNAP Pickup/Dropoff locations, click here.
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