Two Gainesville apartments listed on Swamp Rentals received 2010 Gainesville City Beatification awards. The city of Gainesville, FL, recognized Canopy Apartments for preserving the existing tree canopy during construction of the apartments. They were also credited for following green building practices by planting native shrubs that don’t require lots of water. Finally, Gainesville praised Canopy’s outdoor apartment amenities, including garden courtyards, a lagoon swimming pool, a pedestrian park with sand volleyball, outdoor grills and picnic tables.
Upper Westside, a CMC apartment (Contemporary Management Concepts), is a smaller apartment in midtown Gainesville. Upper Westside is about three blocks from campus, close to the Swamp Restaurant. The City of Gainesville lauded Upper Westside for its spacious balconies that overlook flowering crepe myrtles, hollies, and live oaks. Gainesville also likes Upper Westside’s large hedges that surround the apartment, giving renters a sense of privacy.
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