Your Gainesville apartment lease is coming to an end, now what?
For starters, we highly recommend that you begin to plan at least 3-6 months before your lease actually expires. Many of the more popular off campus apartments in Gainesville start to run out of availability in certain floorplans as early as May each year, so if you want to stay in your same apartment, you should pay attention to the renewal notices that you apartment posts on your door or in your mailbox.
When your lease ends, you have 2 options:
Renew your existing lease.
This is by far the easiest option, there is no packing, no looking for a new apartment in Gainesville and no moving. You just sign a new lease and life continues uninterrupted. Keep in mind that your rent may increase when you re-sign – check with apartment staff to see if there are any rent increases on the horizon. Generally, the earlier you sign, the lower your rent will be.
Find a new apartment in Gainesville.
This option will require a bit more work, but finding a new apartment in Gainesville will be easy with Swamp Rentals. Make sure to let your current apartment know that you will be leaving. Some apartments will actually require that you provide written notice. Check your lease to see if this applies to you. Lastly, check out our article 9 Steps To Getting Your Apartment Security Deposit Back for additional tips on moving out. Follow our advice, and we could help you save some money!
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